Scientific Programme & Abstracts from the International Meeting in Pediatric Endocrinology (IMPE)
IMPE Abstracts (2023) 96 P67

Hospital of Pediatrics JP Garrahan, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Hematocrit was considered an uncontrollable variable that affects results of biomarkers in whole blood filter paper samples (FPS). NS methodologies are generally adjusted by assuming a standard hematocrit of 55%. Our group has previously presented a method to estimate hematocrit by measuring hemoglobin values in FPS. This correction has the potential to reduce the number of false positives, improve specificity in NS, and decrease the number of recalled patients.

Objective: To verify and quantify the impact of hematocrit correction in NS of endocrinopathies (Congenital Hypothyroidism and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia).

Materials and methods: The methodology was implemented in a NS program (February to September 2022), measuring TSH and 17OHP, in samples of three groups of patients: GA) National NS Program (n:9366): processed by ELISA (Zentech) and reconfirmed by DELFIA (PerkinElmer). GB) Buenos Aires NS Program (n:3185): processed and reconfirmed by DELFIA. GC) Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) (n:207). Processed and reconfirmed by DELFIA.

Patients: Who exceeded cut-off values were recalled for a confirmatory serum sample. The recall rate with and without correction was evaluated, as well as the percentage of samples that avoid to be recalled. Linear regression was performed between gestational age and hematocrit (n: 443).


TSH n Positives Recall (%) Post Correction Positives Post Correction Recall (%) Avoid Recall (%) True Positives
GA 9366 116 1,24 77 0,82 33,62 5
GB 3185 50 1,57 33 1,04 34,00 3
GC 207 3 1,45 2 0,97 33,33 0
GA 9366 47 0,50 30 0,32 36,17 0
GB 3185 15 0,47 8 0,25 46,67 0
GC 207 2 0,97 2 0,97 0,00 0

Those groups with confirmed CH cases (n:8) were analysed.

Group TSH Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) False Positives (%) Positive Predictive Value (%)
GA No correction 100 98.81 1.19 4.31
GA Corrected 100 99.23 0.77 6.49
GB No correction 100 98.52 1.48 6.00
GB Corrected 100 99.53 0.47 16.67

Linear Regression Hematocrit(y) vs. Gestational Age(x): y=-0.5346+1.3052x

Conclusions: Hematocrit correction of NS biomarkers significantly decrease the recall rate, reducing the negative impact on families due to unnecessary alerts and the need of confirmatory tests. It improves specificity, reduces false positive rate and increases the positive predictive value of the tests. The positive gestational age-hematocrit correlation implies that this correction is especially useful in NS of preterm babies.

Volume 96

IMPE 2023

Buenos Aires, Argentina
04 Mar 2023 - 07 Mar 2023

International Meeting in Pediatric Endocrinology 

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