Scientific Programme & Abstracts from the International Meeting in Pediatric Endocrinology (IMPE)

impe0096ep49 | Growth and Syndromes | IMPE2023

Contiguous gene syndrome involving multisystem diseases characterized by short stature

Valeri Clara , Luz Solano Lopez Alba , Urman Gabriela , Goldschmidt Ernesto , Ercoli Gabriel

We describe a female patient with a contiguous gene deletion and duplication syndrome encompassing 223 genes, only manifesting features of BLM (Bloom Syndrome), AGLB1 (Fuchs' dystrophy) and ACAN (Aggreccan Gene Mutation). Our study was started with the observation and follow-up of a 8-year-old pre-term child with short stature (-2.8SD), a peculiar phenotype, microcephaly, ogival palate, short neck, wide nasal bridge, bushy eyebrows and eyelashes, scoliosis, umbilical hern...