Scientific Programme & Abstracts from the International Meeting in Pediatric Endocrinology (IMPE)

impe0096ep43 | GH and IGFs | IMPE2023

Daily growth hormone adherence and height velocity in children with pediatric growth hormone deficiency (pGHD) from a single-center institution in Minnesota, USA

S Miller Bradley , Loftus Jane , Kelkar Mona , Shrestha Swastina , Parzynski Craig , Benjumea Darrin , Wogen Jenifer , Jhingran Priti , Alvir Jose , Gupta Anu , Wajnrajch Michael

Background: Pediatric growth hormone deficiency (pGHD) is treated with daily somatropin (recombinant human growth hormone) injections. High discontinuation rates and poor adherence to treatment, which may be associated with worse growth outcomes, have been documented in Japan, EU and the US.Objectives: To describe adherence to daily somatropin treatment and assess the association between adherence and height velocity (HV...