impe0096ep20 | Diabetes and Insulin | IMPE2023
Mary Matallana Audrey
, Sandoval David
, Lozano Jairo-Andres
, Patiño Helen-Carolina
A 37 wk of gestation newborn male from a mother with Gestational diabetes also IUGR, consanguineous parents, with persistent glucose levels around 425 mg/dl since his second postnatal day of life with Birth weight of 1640 grams (SD -4.4) and Birth length 41 centimeters (SD -4.6). A diagnosis of Neonatal Diabetes was made and initially he was treated with intravenous insulin to later be switched to SC insulin, basal-prandial therapy analogues (Lispro 0.5 IU if glucose >250 m...