Scientific Programme & Abstracts from the International Meeting in Pediatric Endocrinology (IMPE)

impe0096fc10.3 | Miscellaneous | IMPE2023

Pediatric hypercalcemia in a tertiary center

Lucía Feller Ana , Aziz Mariana , Vaiani Elisa , Ciaccio Marta , Lorena Viterbo Gisela

Introduction: Pediatric hypercalcemia is a rare condition. It occurs due to an imbalance between the endocrine system (PTH, calcitriol) and its target organs (bone, kidney and intestine). It is produced by multiple causes. Although it is usually asymptomatic, sometimes it could become an emergency, with increased morbidity and/or mortality.Objective: To describe etiologies, biochemical profiles, clinical characteristics ...

impe0096p31 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | IMPE2023

PTH resistance in a patient with 2q37 deletion syndrome and Albright hereditary osteodystrophy phenotype

Aziz Mariana , Lincolns Mendoza Muñoz Ronald , Gazek Natalia , Vaiani Elisa , Ciaccio Marta , Sanchez Eduardo , Huckstadt Victoria , Viterbo Gisela

Background: 2q37 deletion syndrome is a rare chromosomal abnormality (OMIM #600430) also called brachydactyly mental retardation syndrome (BDMR), or Albright Hereditary Osteodystrophy-like syndrome (AHO). It is characterized by a wide spectrum of clinical findings including mild to moderate psychomotor developmental delay/intellectual disability, brachydactyly type E, short stature, obesity, hypotonia, characteristic facial dysmorphism, hypermobility /joint di...

impe0096p35 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | IMPE2023

Patient with cutaneous skeletal hypophosphatemia syndrome treated with Burosumab (monoclonal FGF23 antibody)

Viterbo Gisela , del Pino Mariana , Agustina Valentini María , La Forgia Pablo , Salvatierra Roberto , Belleri Florencia , Abbate Silvina , Chinton Josefina , Manuel Lazzati Juan , Betina Cervini Andrea , Fano Virginia

Introduction: Cutaneous skeletal hypophosphatemia syndrome (CSHS) is a mosaic RASopathy caused by postzygotic activating mutations in HRAS, NRAS or KRAS. It is characterised by the presence of congenital epidermal, melanocytic, or sebaceous nevi, elevated circulating FGF23 levels that causes renal phosphate wasting and rickets, skeletal hypomineralization and focal bone lesions ipsilateral to nevi.Clinical Case: We repor...

impe0096ep4 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | IMPE2023

Infant with primary hypoaldosteronism due to aldosterone synthase deficiency

Viterbo Gisela , Ciaccio Marta , Martinez Castillo Iratxe , Sabbarese Luciana , Florencia Soto María , Manuel Lazzati Juan , Perez Garrido Natalia , Marino Roxana , Costanzo Mariana

Background: Aldosterone synthase is a cytochrome P450 enzyme encoded by the CYP11B2 gene and responsible of the conversion of dehydrocorticosterone to aldosterone through three enzymatic steps: addition of the 11b-hydroxyl group to form corticosterone, 18-hydroxylation to form 18-hydroxycorticosterone, and 18-dehydrogenation to form aldosterone. Two types of aldosterone synthase deficiency have been reported: type I related to defects in 18-hydroxilation, and ...