IMPE2023 Symposia Optimal, minimal and alternative actions for the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine problems in children in countries with limited resources (3 abstracts)
ACCISS Study, Health Action International, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
It is unacceptable that 100 years after the discovery and first use of insulin, access to this essential medicine is poor in many countries. The reality for people needing insulin to survive is most acute in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), as will be shown in a short clip filmed in 2020 in Peru, Mali and Tanzania. Insulin must be available in facilities when needed. The price and affordability of human and analogue insulins is also crucial – both to governments and to individuals forced to pay out-of-pocket. Data from surveys undertaken in various LMICs will be used to show what governments are paying, and how these prices compare to estimated costs of production. Patient prices, and the affordability of treatment, will also be shown. In addition to insulin, care also requires access to affordable devices for administering insulin and for self-monitoring blood glucose levels. Data will also be shown on the prices of insulin syringes, blood glucose meters, test strips and more. In 2022, the World Health Assembly set a target of 100% of people with type 1 diabetes have access to affordable insulin and blood glucose self-monitoring by 2030. Actions needed to help achieve this target in LMICs will be discussed.
Learning points:
- the reality in LMICs for people needing insulin
- prices paid by governments and individuals for insulin, delivery devices and blood glucose self-monitoring devices
- actions to help achieve the 2030 target of 100% access for people living with type 1 diabetes
Disclosure: no conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical or medical device industries