Scientific Programme & Abstracts from the International Meeting in Pediatric Endocrinology (IMPE)

impe0096pl11 | Genomic imprinting and its clinical relevance | IMPE2023

Genomic imprinting and its clinical relevance: lesson from Kagami-Ogata syndrome and Temple syndrome

Ogata Tsutomu , Kagami Masayo , DiMarco Aimee , Palazzo Fausto , Wernig Florian

[Introduction] Genomic imprinting refers to the process by which a single allele is expressed in a parent-of-origin dependent manner. This parent-of-origin dependent expression is regulated by methylation patterns of differentially methylated region (DMRs). Here, we focus on two imprinting disorders, Kagami-Ogata syndrome (KOS14) and Temple syndrome (TS14). [Chromosome 14q32.2 imprinted region] This region harbors paternally expressed protein-coding genes such as DLK1 and RTL1...

impe0096s1.2 | Management of T1D in Youth: Present and Future | IMPE2023

Macronutrient management in Type 1 Diabetes in Youth

Smart Carmel

Continuous glucose monitoring and other new technologies are altering the landscape of type 1 diabetes nutritional management. The widespread use of these technologies has been accompanied by consumer and health professional interest in the impact of different macronutrients and a demand for clinical explanations for aberrant postprandial glycemic patterns. To achieve target postprandial glycemia, current clinical practice involves adjustment of the insulin dose for the carboh...

impe0096s2.1 | Current Status of Complications in T1D in Youth | IMPE2023

Update on retinopathy - should we screen or not?

Donaghue Kim

Screening for diabetic retinopathy has been advocated since the finding that intervention with laser photocoagulation halved the risk of blindness in asymptomatic individuals with diabetes who have advanced retinopathy. More recently there has been a concern that screening with low yields of positivity is burdensome and expensive. Others have argued that the value of screening for diabetic retinopathy during adolescence includes an opportunity for education and motivation for ...