Scientific Programme & Abstracts from the International Meeting in Pediatric Endocrinology (IMPE)

impe0096p110 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | IMPE2023

Experience in Transition from pediatric to adult care in chronic endocrinological pathology in a general hospital. Endocrinology transition clinic

Sofia Kastelic Maria , Tormo Silvina , Giacoia Evangelina , Varela Silvana , Veronica Forclaz Maria

Introduction: Advances in medicine in recent decades have increased the survival of pediatric patients with complex chronic pathologies who reach adulthood. Transition refers to the process followed by young persons with chronic conditions to transfer health care, in our case from the pediatric endocrinologist to the adult endocrinologist. It is a dynamic, complex process and must be planned considering medical, psychosocial and educational needs of the adoles...

impe0096ep16 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | IMPE2023

Genu valgum deformity in a 12-year-old girl: the importance of an appropriate assessment in the diagnosis of rare diseases with genetic-bone-metabolic involvement

Brenzoni Luciana , Mejía Salcedo Laura , Praglia Francisco , Cupito Jorge , Veronica Forclaz María

Introduction: Hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets with hypercalciuria (HHRH) is a rare cause of genetic rickets with autosomal recessive inheritance. It is caused by a defect in the type IIc sodium dependent phosphate cotransporter (SLC34A3 gene), one of the main responsible of phosphate homeostasis in the kidney. The clinical, biochemical and radiological characteristics are variable among affected individuals.Clinical case:</st...

impe0096p151 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | IMPE2023

Argentinian Transgender Children and Adolescents Cohort: an Eight Year Observational Multicenter Study

Figueroa Gacitúa Veronica , Riu Carmen , Esposito Mariela , Rojas Gabriela , Rodriguez saa Magdalena , Carballo Fernanda , Gonzalez Verónica , Biancofiore Nicolas , Maury Fuentes Kelly , Forclaz Veronica , Morin Analia , Fernandez Mentaberry Veronica

Introduction: Transgender and gender–diverse (TGD) individuals do not fully identify with the gender assigned at birth. Argentina has approved in 2012 a pioneer gender identity law (N° 26.743) which depathologize this condition and guarantees access to medical care of TGD individuals. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of youth seeking gender-affirming medical interventions leading to the creation of multidisciplinar...