IMPE2023 ePoster Presentations Fat, Metabolism and Obesity (7 abstracts)
1University of Santo Amaro, São Paulo, Brazil. 2Faculdade de Ciencias Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. 3University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil
Introduction: Childhood obesity has an increasing incidence around the world, including in Brazil. There are reports of higher psychological alterations in patients with obesity. Aims: To evaluate the frequency of depression in teenagers with obesity, associating with their caloric ingestion. Methods: This is a transversal study, with teenagers ranging from 11 to 17 chronological age (CA), from both biological sexes, with obesity (zBMI>+2SD, WHO, 2007). Validated questionnaire was applied to measure depression (PHQ-9). In relation to depression, the patients were distributed in groups: normal (score 0-4), mild depression (score 5-9) and moderate/severe depression (score>10). These groups were compared regarding the zBMI, waist to height ratio, fasting blood glucose, insulin and lipidic profile: Statistical analysis was performed using the SigmaStat 3.5 program for Windows (SPSS, Point Richmond, CA, USA). For analysis between different groups: ANOVA or ANOVA on Ranks, for comparison of proportions between 2 groups: test z and P< 0.05 was considered statistically significant and confidence intervals were constructed. With 95% statistical confidence. Results: In total were evaluated 51 patients, with a mean (SD) CA of 13.2 (1.5) years, zBMI: 2.9 (0.7), being 28 girls and 23 boys. Of the total sample 36/51 (70,6%). Mean (SD) calorie intake was 1473, 12 (421, 7). Comparing the group with and without depression there was significant prevalence of female on the depression group (P<0,004). There wasn’t any difference regarding the anthropometric, calorie intake and laboratorial variables between the patients with and without depression. Conclusion: There was high frequency of depression between adolescents with obesity, with more females’ patients affected. We think that is important to look for psychiatry disorders in this group of patients to improve their quality of life. This disorder could impact in treatment adherence.