Scientific Programme & Abstracts from the International Meeting in Pediatric Endocrinology (IMPE)

impe0096ep37 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | IMPE2023

Cyclic menses in a preterm infant

Giraudo Franco , Griffero Mariana , M Merino Paulina , Fernando Cassorla

Introduction: Minipuberty describes the transient sex-specific activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis during the first 2 years in girls. Data in preterm are scarce, but It seems that the HPG axis activation is more intense and prolonged compared with full-term infants, resulting in higher sex steroid concentrations, sometimes with extreme pubertal characteristics.Clinical case: A female infant presen...

impe0096p79 | GH and IGFs | IMPE2023

Estradiol and testosterone modulate GH sensitivity through SOCS1 and SOCS2 in HEPG2 cells

Ocaranza Paula , Ebensperger Germán , Cecilia Johnson María , Íñiguez Germán , Cassorla Fernando

The accelerated growth phase observed during puberty depends on the combined effects of the somatotropic and gonadotropic axes. Our previous studies have demonstrated that relatively low concentrations of estradiol (20 pg/mL) and high concentrations of testosterone (10 ng/mL), potentiate the JAK2/STAT5 signaling pathway induced by GH in the human hepatic cell line (HEPG2). It is not known whether these effects are direct, or are mediated through the suppressors of cytokine sig...

impe0096p49 | Diabetes and Insulin | IMPE2023

Effect on insulin sensitivity of combined oral hormonal contraceptives and progestin implant use in young women with T1D

Giraudo Franco , Iñiguez Germán , M Merino Paulina , López Patricia , Cavada Gabriel , Cassorla Fernando , Codner Ethel

Introduction: Insulin sensitivity is a marker of cardiovascular health. Young women in reproductive age with type 1 diabetes (T1D) have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The metabolic effects of combined oral hormonal contraception (OC) and progestin implant (implant) on insulin sensitivity in young women with T1D are unknown.Objective: To determine the effect on insulin sensitivity in young women with T1D of ...

impe0096fc3.4 | Endocrinology of Sex Differences 1 | IMPE2023

The combination of FSH and markers of Sertoli cell function provides a high accuracy strategy to differentiate central hypogonadism from constitutional delay of puberty in boys: a longitudinal prospective study.

Castro Sebastián , Correa Brito Lourdes , Bedecarrás Patricia , Gabriela Ropelato María , Keselman Ana , Cassorla Fernando , Bergadá Ignacio , A Rey Rodolfo , P Grinspon Romina

Constitutional delay of puberty (CDP) and congenital central hypogonadism (CH) show great overlap in clinical features and in gonadotrophin and testosterone serum concentrations in boys. The gold standard to distinguish both entities relies on the assessment of pubertal stage beyond 18 years of age. The long lasting insufficient FSH activity in boys with congenital CH may result in lower AMH and inhibin B serum concentrations compared with boys with CDP....

impe0096fc1.2 | GH and IGFs 1 | IMPE2023

Dose-dependent Increase in GH AUC0-12h with LUM-201 in Idiopathic Pediatric GH Deficiency (iPGHD) from the Interim Analysis Data of the OraGrowtH212 Trial

Cassorla Fernando , Román Rossana , L Johnson Michael , Avila Alejandra , Iñiguez German , Baier Ingrid , Said Daniela , Bruchey Aleksandra , Smith Christopher , B Karpf David , C McKew John , O Thorner Michael

LUM-201 (ibutamoren), an agonist of the growth hormone (GH) Secretagogue Receptor 1a (GHSR1a), is an investigational oral GH secretagogue currently in three iPGHD Phase 2 trials. The LUM-201 predictive enrichment marker (PEM) may be used to identify patients previously diagnosed with iPGHD who are likely to respond to LUM-201. PEM positivity is defined as a baseline insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) level >30 ng/mL and a peak GH of ≥5 ng/mL in response to a single 0.8...